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statistics 2
Bachelor 2nd year
Record #321


statistics 2


continuous random variable, stochastic convergence, Gaussian distribution, point estimation, confidence intervals, statistical tests, simple linear regression.


Continuous random variable. Convergence in distribution, convergence in probability, Gaussian approximation. Parameter estimation : point estimation, interval estimation. Estimation of un unknowm proportion. Statistical tests : one proportion, two proportions, Pearson's chi squared test of goodness of fit. Simple linear regression applied to time series.


Bachelor 2nd year


Economics and Management


Calculate continuous distributions characteristics. Evaluate a probability using Gaussian approximation. Build a parameter estimator using the method of moments, and the maximum likelihood method.
Build a one-sample proportion test, a two-sample proportion comparison test, a Pearson's Chi squared goodness of fit test.
Evaluate linear regression model for time series.


Patrick Beau - Prag - Hourly volume: 33H cours +15h TD

Teaching methods

Campus-based teaching

Language level required

Not specified